# Linux下如何安装配置Rclone并添加Onedrive网盘及Rclone的基本使用方法
Rclone是一款强大而灵活的开源命令行工具,它在Linux系统上为用户提供了便捷的云存储管理解决方案。通过Rclone,您可以轻松地连接、同步和管理各种云存储服务,包括Google Drive、Dropbox、Amazon S3,以及本文所关注的微软OneDrive。无论您是希望备份重要文件,还是需要在多个云存储服务之间传输数据,Rclone都为您提供了一个统一的、命令行界面的工具,为Linux用户提供了无限的可能性。通过rclone,我们可以将网盘挂载到vps中,给小硬盘vps扩容,此功能还能用于emby网盘影库挂载。也可使用rclone增量备份文件以及迁移网盘和vps或网盘与网盘之间的数据。
# 💂♀️获取Onedrive Token
rclone authorize "onedrive"
# 🦦安装rclone并添加OneDrive
- 更新系统,我使用的是Debian11系统(Ubuntu同理,其余的更新方式自己搜索)
apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
- 安装必要工具
apt install wget curl sudo vim git -y
- 然后运行rclone安装脚本:
curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash
之后输入rclone config
root@server-eucco8:~# rclone config
2023/08/22 14:06:25 NOTICE: Config file "/root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" not found - using defaults
No remotes found, make a new one?
n) New remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
Enter name for new remote.
name> onedrive
然后进入云盘类型的选择,可能因版本不同选项会有不同,只需要找到Microsoft OneDrive
Option Storage.
Type of storage to configure.
Choose a number from below, or type in your own value.
1 / 1Fichier
\ (fichier)
2 / Akamai NetStorage
\ (netstorage)
3 / Alias for an existing remote
\ (alias)
4 / Amazon Drive
\ (amazon cloud drive)
5 / Amazon S3 Compliant Storage Providers including AWS, Alibaba, ArvanCloud, Ceph, China Mobile, Cloudflare, GCS, DigitalOcean, Dreamhost, Huawei OBS, IBM COS, IDrive e2, IONOS Cloud, Leviia, Liara, Lyve Cloud, Minio, Netease, Petabox, RackCorp, Scaleway, SeaweedFS, StackPath, Storj, Synology, Tencent COS, Qiniu and Wasabi
\ (s3)
6 / Backblaze B2
\ (b2)
7 / Better checksums for other remotes
\ (hasher)
8 / Box
\ (box)
9 / Cache a remote
\ (cache)
10 / Citrix Sharefile
\ (sharefile)
11 / Combine several remotes into one
\ (combine)
12 / Compress a remote
\ (compress)
13 / Dropbox
\ (dropbox)
14 / Encrypt/Decrypt a remote
\ (crypt)
15 / Enterprise File Fabric
\ (filefabric)
16 / FTP
\ (ftp)
17 / Google Cloud Storage (this is not Google Drive)
\ (google cloud storage)
18 / Google Drive
\ (drive)
19 / Google Photos
\ (google photos)
20 / HTTP
\ (http)
21 / Hadoop distributed file system
\ (hdfs)
22 / HiDrive
\ (hidrive)
23 / In memory object storage system.
\ (memory)
24 / Internet Archive
\ (internetarchive)
25 / Jottacloud
\ (jottacloud)
26 / Koofr, Digi Storage and other Koofr-compatible storage providers
\ (koofr)
27 / Local Disk
\ (local)
28 / Mail.ru Cloud
\ (mailru)
29 / Mega
\ (mega)
30 / Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
\ (azureblob)
31 / Microsoft OneDrive
\ (onedrive)
32 / OpenDrive
\ (opendrive)
33 / OpenStack Swift (Rackspace Cloud Files, Blomp Cloud Storage, Memset Memstore, OVH)
\ (swift)
34 / Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage
\ (oracleobjectstorage)
35 / Pcloud
\ (pcloud)
36 / PikPak
\ (pikpak)
37 / Proton Drive
\ (protondrive)
38 / Put.io
\ (putio)
39 / QingCloud Object Storage
\ (qingstor)
40 / Quatrix by Maytech
\ (quatrix)
41 / SMB / CIFS
\ (smb)
\ (sftp)
43 / Sia Decentralized Cloud
\ (sia)
44 / Storj Decentralized Cloud Storage
\ (storj)
45 / Sugarsync
\ (sugarsync)
46 / Transparently chunk/split large files
\ (chunker)
47 / Union merges the contents of several upstream fs
\ (union)
48 / Uptobox
\ (uptobox)
49 / WebDAV
\ (webdav)
50 / Yandex Disk
\ (yandex)
51 / Zoho
\ (zoho)
52 / premiumize.me
\ (premiumizeme)
53 / seafile
\ (seafile)
Storage> 31
Option client_secret.
OAuth Client Secret.
Leave blank normally.
Enter a value. Press Enter to leave empty.
Option region.
Choose national cloud region for OneDrive.
Choose a number from below, or type in your own string value.
Press Enter for the default (global).
1 / Microsoft Cloud Global
\ (global)
2 / Microsoft Cloud for US Government
\ (us)
3 / Microsoft Cloud Germany
\ (de)
4 / Azure and Office 365 operated by Vnet Group in China
\ (cn)
Edit advanced config?
y) Yes
n) No (default)
Use web browser to automatically authenticate rclone with remote?
* Say Y if the machine running rclone has a web browser you can use
* Say N if running rclone on a (remote) machine without web browser access
If not sure try Y. If Y failed, try N.
y) Yes (default)
n) No
y/n> n
Current remotes:
Name Type
==== ====
onedrive onedrive
e) Edit existing remote
n) New remote
d) Delete remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
# 🦨使用方法
# 🦌平时使用中最基本的几个使用命令:
- copy复制文件
rclone copy source:sourcepath dest:destpsth
rclone copy onedrive:/data /opt
rclone copy onedrive:/data1 google:/data2
- sync同步数据
rclone sync source:path dest:path
- move移动数据
rclone move source:path dest:path
- purge清空目标目录数据
rclone purge remote:path
- delete自定义删除数据可以使用:
rclone delete remote:path
# 🐇其他命令
rclone size
- 查看网盘文件占用大小。rclone mkdir
- 创建目录。rclone rmdir
- 删除目录。rclone rmdirs
- 删除指定灵境下的空目录。如果加上--leave-root
参数,则不会删除根目录。rclone check
- 检查源和目的地址数据是否匹配。rclone ls
- 列出指定路径下的所有的文件以及文件大小和路径。rclone lsl
- 比上面多一个显示上传时间。rclone lsd
列出指定路径下的目录rclone lsf
- 列出指定路径下的目录和文件rclone bisync
-两条路径之间的双向同步。rclone version
- 显示版本号。rclone copyto
- 将文件从源复制到目标,跳过已经复制的。rclone mount
- 将远程挂载为挂载点。rclone moveto
- 将文件或目录从源移动到目标。
# 🐷常用参数
- 测试运行,用来查看 rclone 在实际运行中会进行哪些操作。-P
- 显示实时传输进度,500mS 刷新一次,否则默认 1 分钟刷新一次。--cache-chunk-size SizeSuffi
- 块的大小,默认5M,理论上是越大上传速度越快,同时占用内存也越多。如果设置得太大,可能会导致进程中断。--cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix
- 块可以在本地磁盘上占用的总大小,默认10G。--transfers=N
- 并行文件数,默认为4。在比较小的内存的VPS上建议调小这个参数,比如128M的小鸡上使用建议设置为1。--config string
- 指定配置文件路径,string
- 跳过错误。比如 OneDrive 在传了某些特殊文件后会提示Failed to copy: failed to open source object: malwareDetected: Malware detected
,这会导致后续的传输任务被终止掉,此时就可以加上这个参数跳过错误。但需要注意 RCLONE 的退出状态码不会为0
这里我最常用的就是 -P 参数了,可以让我直观的看见文件操作的进程。
# 🐞后记
rclone运行期间你可以配合screen指令来实现关闭ssh后继续运行rclone,并且随时可以调用出来查看进度,关于screen命令的使用可见这篇文章:Linux screen指令的基础应用,总得来说,rclone功能强大,文件操作可靠,是个非常实用的工具。